More of what we do,
including jazz
We bring ancestral, cultural, spiritual, expressive arts & healing arts & also support services to jazz artists & the larger community!
Epidemic homelessness, gentrification, skyrocketing rents. illegal evictions, and the lack of "true" affordable housing, as well as, work stoppage, layoffs, police brutality, increased racial violence, severe stress from systemic racism and discriminatory norms, including the constant rolling back of civil and human rights fought for by our ancestors and elders, kept alive by deeply ingrained programming of false notions of white supremacy and justification for and perpetuation of white priviledge that creates and sustains inequalities in every aspect of life. These issues touch upon life quality and opportunity and autonomy in every life area, including(housing, education, banking, food, income, cultural capital & it's de-valuation, unless co-opted by others, spiritual freedom, etc. and the ensuing fallout of chronic health issues from the weight of all of this and more, have devastated our community, (including jazz artists and people of color), so that we have to address these social service and other racial and social justice issues, in addition to cultural and creative equity issues we face in the community. These issues have to be fully adressed and resolved for healing and peace within our communities and the world. We start by honoring our ancestral traditions and all things African, as well as Indigenous, previously distorted, ignoring the fact Africa was the first civilization and the cradle of all humanity and that it's Spirituality and Healing, Sciences, Music, Knowwledge traditions informed, inspired, and gave birth to those throughout the entire world. This is all prior to the wealth it's people and resources brought the West.
Some of our programs of focus:

Crisis Counseling, Coaching, & Consultation
We assist jazz artists and those in the larger community who are facing serious issues in areas of crisis, in areas of: health, housing, legal, financial, aaddiction, etc. We act as Advocates and Liasons to agencies, connecting people to human and social services and also provide grief counseling and support, and coaching and consultation in other areas, such as: career, relationships, business, nonprofit formation, etc.. This includes creative coaching.
Ancestral, Cultural, Spiritual Healing Workshops, Summits, Videos, Blogs, Podcasts, & Lectures
We offer workshops, summits, videos, blogs,, podcasts, and lectures on various topics and areas in various areas of ancestral, cultural, and spiritual healing.

Jazz improvisation Coaching, Music Technology for Singers, & Support for Jazz Singers
Adding to the root of RSJ-“Really Singing Jazz”, the true African elements, art, craft, and tradition of the long lineage of our greatest jazz singers and the essential and inherent art of jazz vocalimrovisation (that is much more than scatting, which it may or may not include. Paying homage to those true jazz singers , including Carmen mcRae and Betty carter, (who both expressed strong concern for the danger of the disappearance of those “really singing jazz” and all that it entails. We assist also with Music Technology & Training for Jazz Singers.
Jazz Education, Promotion, Performance, Artistry, & (RSJ)-Really Singing Jazz Events
Jazz Education, Promotion, Performance, Artistry Development, and Preservation, including the Art of (RSJ)-Really Singing Jazz events, jams, concerts, and workshops, inspired by all of the great jazz singers, but especially, Betty Carter and Carmen McRae, who were concerned that the true jazz singer and the craft would be lost.