Heeding The Call of the Ancestors!!!!
Ancestral, Cultural, Spiritual Healing Arts & Expressive Arts, including
Jazz for Community Wellness & Resilience, Cultural & Creative Equity, and Social & Racial Justice.
Our Impact
We serve the community by providing: spiritual counseling / creative coaching sessions, spiritual healing sessions, workshops, lectures, concerts, events, & ceremonies to bring Ancestral, Cultural, Spiritual Healing to the community. Some of the unmet needs & social problems we address & help to solve are: the ongoing, never-ending demand for free, or low-cost healing support, advocacy & referral services to assist people in crisis in various areas, such as, medical, housing/homelessness, eviction prevention, affordable housing information & resources, counseling, & financial crisis. We have provided emotional & spiritual support & guidance to staff, owners, & managers of transitional housing & provided their clients with support in securing housing benefits & food stamps & provided problem-solving support, consultation, & referrals for staffing needs. We have stepped in where Homeless Agencies were challenged in assisting mentally ill & chronically homeless clients who had fallen through the cracks,, assisting them to finally accept support, thereby getting people directly off the street, including vulnerable women and seniors.
We have walked disabled & senior clients through the process of filing paperwork & interacting with Housing Authorities, on their behalf to secure & maintain their section 8 housing vouchers, as well as assisting them to find apartments & even security deposit assistance. We have assisted, both jazz artists and the larger community with these services, providing advocacy and referral services to secure temporary housing, permanent housing, & services, both during & prior to the covid pandemic, providing referrals & speaking with homeless agencies directly on their behalf to secure them vital, emergency housing & resources. We have also provide legal assistance & referral services to prevent illegal evictions & secure proper relocation fees when required to move when their apartment buildings were sold. There is also a constant demand for Crisis Counseling, Grief Counseling, & Spiritual Energy Healing Sessions (ongoing & emergency): These Spiritual Energy Healing Sessions take place (In-Home, in Hospitals, ERs,, Convalescent, Rehabilitation, & Assisted Living) environments.
People have required these services for free or negligible donations, as well as for our other programs, workshops, and events that are all designed to bring about support & inspiration for healing, growth, expansion, empowerment, wellness, 7 resilience for individuals & the community, (both jazz artists & others). URSPIRIT, Inc. has provided these services for the purpose of community healing, education, mentoring, support, and social justice, responding to Medical Emergencies & the frequent requests for our Homeless Advocacy, Grief Support, and other support services to seniors & the jazz community, including those in Recovery for Substance abuse, & on-the-spot, emergency assistance or dire healing support for those recovering in Rehabilitation Centers, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, ERs, (where those in crisis & most in need of our services are often without funds to pay at all, yet are never turned away for lack for on-the-spot, emergency assistance, often at hospitals, ERs, Convalescent centers, & in-home, etc.
We have been requested to do inspirational speaking, spiritual services, meditation sits, & healing workshops & events at drug rehabilitation and self-help and recovery centers & in transitional homes for women. & at assisted living, senior apartments, and senior centers where they have little or no funds, nor insurance to pay for such services.

What we do
Community Healing via Expressive Arts & Healing Arts Education, Research, Promotion, & Preservation of African & Black Atl antic/African Diaspora Arts, Culture, & Spirituality, including Jazz.Homeless Prevention & Placement Support Advocacy Spiritual Counseling, Coaching, Healing Support: Grief, Health Crises & Recovery Issues, Seniors & others (in Homes, Healing Support & Advocacy in:Hospitals, Convalescent, Assisted Living Centers), Support for Jazz Artists & the larger Community, including Information & Referral Services, ("Connecting People to Services" & "Connecting People to People") All of our services are on a sliding-scale or donation basis, (noone is turned away for lack of funds).
We Support Jazz Education, Promotion, & Jazz Artistry
We Provide Ancestral, Cultural, Spiritual Expressive Arts & Healing Arts for Community Wellness
We Provide Crisis Counseling, Career & Creative Coaching, & Consults
We Work for Racial & Social Justice and Creative & Cultural Equity
We Advocate & are agency Liasons for Homeless Prevention & Housing Placement
We Provide Financial & Legal Info & Resource Referrals, specializing in "Connecting People to Resources" & "Connecting people to people"
We Provide Healing (Events, Workshops, Summits, Clinics, Ceremonies, & Concerts
Our numbers speak
Our numbers are continuing to expand as we assist individuals and groups within the community that we serve. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day. Your tax-deductible support, in any amount, helps us continue to do the work! Just scroll down and press the Click Here to Contribute (Donate Now) button tosupport the work. Thank you! Blessings to you!
Energy Healing Sessions Provided
Counsel/Coaching/Consulting Sessions Provided
Homeless Prevention/Housing/Legal/Financial Services Provideded
Cultural/Spiritual Eealing Events & Concerts Hosted
Some of Our Partners & COLLABORATORS in our Liason/Advocacy work, consulting, creative production, & connection to resources for those we serve, (including the homeless or those in risk of homelessness):